
Modern Coast Online Booking and Payment With Mpesa.

Modern Coast Online Booking and Payments

This article is the perfect read for you if you want some useful information regarding modern coast online booking procedures. It doesn’t matter which destination you’re up for in East Africa – the online service caters across.

Obviously, the yesteryear bus booking process was a nightmare. People had to physically visit bus offices to reserve seats for their next travels.

Long queues and time wastage were serious distractions. But things have since changed.

Many bus companies, Modern Coast included, have tuned to the buzz of technology. Online booking is no doubt what these companies nowadays promote.

You will still make the booking arrangements in person. But the option of booking online is very much in place.

Modern Coast company is known for the plush and comfy buses it unleashes on the road. On top of that, the company has a website where booking services are offered.

You can pay online through mobile money transfer platforms like Mpesa, Visa, MasterCard, etc. And you will be good to go with your ticket.

Modern Coast Online Booking and Payment Process

As opposed to the expression of fear among many travelers, Modern Coast online booking arrangement is just what a busy person needs. I know that there are a few issues with technology absorption.

Not many people fancy doing things or serious business online. Others, it’s their unwillingness to learn this technology and some are just uncomfortable.

Bar these shortcomings, online booking is pretty the simplest method of booking. And it’s definitely a go-for solution that saves tons of efforts and time.

There are two ways to execute booking for a seat on Modern Coast bus. The first one, make use of its website and the second, the Modern Coast mobile phone app.

But before starting out, it’s prudent that you check out the methods of payments provided. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the business.

With that said, let’s go through each method one by one.

How to Book for a Ticket on Modern Coast Bus Online Booking

  1. Visit the Modern Coast Bus website on your computer, laptop or from the internet-enabled smartphone.

I bet you may be without a laptop or computer, but with the smartphone, you can still access the site. And the phone is more convenient as you can execute the process from anywhere.

Once you hit the homepage, search for the bus booking option in the “Our Products” section. In fact, you will see the booking section displayed right on the bottom of the advert “board”.

  1. Select the details:

Fill in the information regarding where you are coming from. The destination, travel date and the costs incurred in the currency of choice (KShs., UGShs, TShs, or USD).

You will definitely be feeding the Kenyan shillings for the travels within the country. Don’t worry, you will only take a couple of seconds of minutes.

modern coast online booking

See the picture below.

  1. You will click the SEARCH button. This takes you to the buses available for that particular route, on the given day.

The prices are also displayed, but there are different categories. You don’t have to pay for the most expensive one – it’s all about your choice.

So there are the VIP seats, first-class and the business class seats. The prices fall as you move from the former to the latter.

You can also see the modern coast bus time of traveler reporting and the departure.

  1. Now with all that done, the next thing is to select the bus you want to go with. It is important that the details are correct and in tandem with what you planned.

So check the reporting time, the departure time and be keen on the on which category you pay for.modern coast bus sseat selection

  1. Choose the seat you want.

Some people don’t like going for front seats, others do. Whether you are the left side or right side traveler, be sure that the seat you select will not go to another person at the time of actual travel.

Note that the seats that are available for selection have bright colors on the bus seat chart. The ones already booked are normally denoted with gray.

Click the submit button, and you will see a pop out. This helps you to know whether the choice synced to the system was the correct one or not. modern coast booking online

  1. Time for payment.

You will be required to fill a payment form. It features spaces where to enter your name, phone number, passport, nationality, national ID number, and email.

Always be accurate with the kind of information you give. You don’t want to lie and find yourself on the wrong side when things turn bad in transit.

After these details, select the option to pay with: MasterCard, Visa, Mpesa.

  1. For Mpesa payment:

If you select the Mpesa option for modern coast booking online, you are going to receive a message from Modern Coast. This text message has the account number and the pay bill number.

The payment process with mpesa is the normal procedure you know.Mpesa option for modern coast booking online,

  1. Be sure to be swift and act within the first 15 minutes given for payment. Or else, it easy to lose the seat.

But if things are done to the rules, you will receive a confirmation message from Mpesa.

  1. Modern Coast bus will also send you another message to acknowledge that indeed you have booked with them. The message contains a ticket number affiliated to your receipt.

You should be able to produce it when it’s needed at the offices. Keep it well.

  1. The remaining thing is to prepare for the journey early. Do your unfinished business in good time before the departure time.

You will need to observe the reporting time. Some people have been left behind due to ignoring this time.

One thing that the Modern Coast bus company makes clear is time management. They follow their schedule to the last detail.

How to Book Modern Coast Using Modern Coast App

Besides the modern coast online booking process, I want to provide you an alternative. It’s also an online sort of, but through the Modern Coast android app.

  1. You will need to download the app and install it on the smartphone. If you go to Google Play Store and search for Modern Coast, you will see the app, alongside others.
  2. Once the app is on the phone, open it. And select the details from the “Getting Started” section.

Find out the available buses.

  1. Then look for the available seats on the bus chart. Feed in the personal details carefully.
  2. Choose the mode of payment – you want Mpesa, MasterCard or Visa?
  3. If you decide to go with Mpesa, you will receive an SMS from Modern coast with pay bill and account number details.
  4. As with the previous method, ensure that you pay within the first 15 minutes of receiving the message. You will receive two messages, one from mpesa and the other from Modern Coast to confirm the payment.

Modern Coast Courier Services

The dedicated modern coast courier services department is a division of the Modern Coast Company. It came into existence in 2007 as many people and businesses demanded this service.

The courier division ensures that those customers with cargo to deliver to different destinations are also served satisfactorily. Modern Coast courier service is fast, efficient and delivers in time.

Also, they have been transiting goods safely.  This has made the company amass a heavy client base coming for their excellent service.

Modern Coast delivers cargo in good condition so that the customer doesn’t need to worry about safety.

The courier service has a state of the art tracking system. Together with a fully-organized team, including the customer help desk, you can be sure that things won’t go astray any time.

Call or reach out to the modern coast Kenya courier team through the contacts below:


Call: +254 705 700 888

Modern Coast Contacts

The modern coast bus contacts are available for support. Whether you want to know a few things about the company or you just wish to speak to the customer care to help out with some issues, here are the contacts.

Head Office is next to Makupa Police Station in Mombasa City.

Telephone: +254 20 202 3775

Cell: +254 709 897 101, or +254 709 897 000


Remember that the bus service is available around the clock and throughout the week. You will never miss someone on the line.

If you are a twitter admirer, you can also find modern coast there. The same applies to Facebook – just feed in your Facebook search, Modern Coast, and find out the results.

Wrap Up

Modern Coast Online booking is a fast and simple process. You will not have to go through the elements to book the bus ticket to your preferred destination.

Once you have a computer or internet-enabled phone, you should be able to choose the bus and seat you want. And all these things happen in the comfort of your chair at home or work.

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